We're building

Powerful notifications for the onchain economy

No-code tools to track the activity you care about.
Outstanding developer tools to match.

Bring visibility to your onchain activity.

Our ready-to-use notification toolkit gives you the flexibility to build across a variety of channels without the extra code.

For developers

Notifications your users will love.

For developers building onchain apps with robust notifications.

Quick implementation

A single API with out-of-the-box components so you can build reliable notifications without spending valuable engineering time.

Pre-built integrations

Notifications can be delivered in-app or wherever your users are: Slack, Telegram, email, or any combination of channels.


A set of primitives so you can define the notification system you want without having to build custom logic.

Debugging support

Offload your webhook maintenance so you can concentrate on your core product, while we focus on one thing: your notifications

Interested in joining our API beta?

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